Welcome to the Blissfield Athletic Boosters page.  The Athletic Boosters meet the 4th Monday of the month. The meetings start at 7:00 and are held in the High School.

Executive Board Members

Have a question and don’t know who to ask?  Interested in joining the Athletic Boosters?  Feel free to speak with or e-mail any of our board members listed below.  Also – please join us at any of our Booster meetings.  



Blissfield Athletic Boosters By-Laws

Download the By Laws  PDF-Icon-64

Become a Booster Member

It’s time to join the Athletic Boosters for the 2022 – 2023 school year.  There are now four membership levels to choose from (Purple, Gold, Royal & Royal Family): Purple membership is $25.00, Gold membership is $50, and Royal membership $100.00. Along with your membership there are gifts associated with each level. You may print out a membership form and send your form and check made payable to Athletic Boosters and send to: Blissfield High School,  630 S. Lane St., Blissfield, MI 49228.  We welcome those of you who have yet to join.   You are the reason we exist and are able to do so much for Blissfield Athletics!!





Upcoming Events
Contact Information

Booster President: Gretchen Collins
Email: gcollins@tps.org / Phone: (517) 403-0404

630 South Lane Street
Blissfield, MI 49228